Regimental History

The King’s Lifeguard of Foot

Being the Regimental & Reconstructed History of

King Charles I’s own Foot Regiment in the English Civil War 1642-46.

Member – English Civil War Society of America (ECWSA)

This regiment’s history calls for a more complete and full treatment than others do of the King’s Army, mainly due to the regiment being the King’s own. Thence, since the regiment was a proud and well revered one, even among its opponents, its history, and those of its officers, is well documented.


The majority of the history was taken from Strangers in Oxford by Margaret Toynbee & Brigadier Peter Young, with additional details from “DIEU ET MON DROIT” by John Barratt (Partizan Press). The list of officers was taken from the List of Indigent Officers, 1663 (revised edition), and from Officers & Regiments of the Royalist Army – Vol. 3 (Partizan Press). The details of dress and illustrations of the Lifeguards was taken from the Military Illustrated (No.55, Dec. 1992) article by Rick Scollins, and details on the colours of the regiment were taken from the Thomason Tracts E289(3), the Turmille Diary.






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